The Portable Stick-on Bubble Level


This web page contains information related to US Provisional Patent Application

(PPA) #61493222, filed 060311, titled Portable Stick-On Bubble Level.


Detailed Description       (Diagrams Below)

A miniature (approx. one to two inches) hemispherical, plastic, portable bubble level      

having encircling latitudinal angle markings, and further having a sticky back hook and

loop connection with whatever tool or other device, e.g. a vehicle dashboard, or other

construct requiring a determination of angular positioning, upon which it is placed.

The circular base of the level would have two downwardly extended mounting portions

with permanently mounted hook (or loop) material for reaching around curves or other

obstructions, for example, on the curved back portion of an electric drill or on top of a

reciprocating saw. In use, the opposing hook or loop sticky back material would be

positioned at an appropriate place on the tool where the portable bubble level is to be

mounted. The purpose of the portable bubble level is to allow the tool user to easily

determine when the tool is level or otherwise positioned at a desired angle.

For ease of bubble sighting, the internal liquid medium would be color dyed rather

than clear. A plurality of opposing hook (or loop) mounting strips would be provided

with the portable level so that it might be easily mounted and utilized with a variety

of tools as needed. A user would then mount two of the strips for each desired position

on a particular tool to accommodate the two mounting protrusions on the bubble level.


To my knowledge there are currently no inexpensive, miniature portable level attachments

for a drill, saw, or other power tool on the market. The device is innovative because it can

be quickly and easily exchanged between numerous tools, and because it allows for a

rapid determination of angles other than just vertical or horizontal. Additionally, as noted

above, since the device is portable, it can used wherever a determination of current

angular positioning is required. Although some power hand tools are manufactured

with electronic or bubble levels, the majority of them are not so made. Power hand tools

would all be far more accurately used tools if they respectively had small hemispherical

bubble levelers with circular angle markings on all sides so that a tool user could

determine at a glance if the tool was level or at the required angle for drilling, sawing, etc.

The proposed device offers a quick, easy and inexpensive solution to this problem and to

the issues of leveling in general.